Thursday, 5 June 2008

Getting ready to leave... plans to get more people to come!

So, a day and a half left of the big trip. Its been a priviledge.

My research, and my experiences in Sindhudurg couldn't have been accessed without the help from Inheritance India ( and Col. Sudhir Sawant. Phoebe's research with Saathi ( was considered to be a success too.

So - now what? Can't just leave it at this, surely! I reckon that there is scope here for these organisations and individuals to take on students next year... but this time doing in a much better way... starting way early, back in September - guiding both the dissertation in December and the field research in May.

Even if people don't want to study with either of these organisations, I'm convinced that Saathi, at least, could be a brilliant way for International Health students to get acquainted with India, the NGO world and the world of health and healthcare over here...

Right - that's what I'm going to do for the next 36 hours - watch this space.

Monday, 2 June 2008

Doctoring compared to international healthing...

After the last few interviews, failed focus group discussions and lots of goodbyes, I'm now in Goa... lying on a beach, recovering from the experience of the village...

I've been here for 2 days, and something quite funny has struck me. 3 groups of people, individually, have been asking me medical & biology-type questions. One bunch of Delhi guys want to know how cigarettes cause you harm, some Portuguese backpackers want to know how redbull affects the body... the list goes on.

I give my best answers to these questions, but readily acknowledge by lack of knowledge. Still, they hang on every word...checking and rechecking that they've got it right.

Now contrast this with some of my international health knowledge. Just as theoretically based, lots of my knowledge of maternal health is straight of books, journals and lectures. The same goes for my thoughts on healthcare worker migration, for example. But in these kinds of things, there is no-one (even 18 year old backpackers) hanging off my every word. These are topics that people will claim that they are the one with the answer for.

My answer is just one among many different opinions... very different to the medical example.